About Inspiring SA
Inspiring South Australia works collaboratively with scientists of all kinds, government agencies, citizen scientists, arts organisations, universities, and industry to provide South Australians with opportunities to connect with, be involved in and get excited about science, technology, engineering, maths, and medicine (STEMM).
Our aim is to show how STEMM impacts everyone and to create a personal connection through experiences to learn more about STEMM education, research, industries, and the opportunities available for education, employment, and enjoyment.
The Inspiring South Australia program is supported by the Australian Government through the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, the Government of South Australia through the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, the University of Adelaide, the University of South Australia, Flinders University and the South Australian Museum
Inspiring SA Science Communication and Engagement Ecosystem.
This is the first draft of a map of the South Australian science engagement and science communication ecosystem. If your organisation, program or activity is missing please contact inspiringsa@sa.gov.au to ensure inclusion in the next version which will be released in early 2025.
Inspiring SA Science Communication and Engagement ecosystem list as of October 2022 EXCEL

Inspiring SA Community of Practice
The Inspiring SA Community Practice meets quarterly to come together to share information and ideas about science engagement and science communication in South Australia. The Community of Practice works to foster partnerships, lever existing and potential opportunities, and work together to provide opportunities for South Australians to connect with, be involved in and get excited about science, technology, engineering, maths, and medicine (STEMM).
The meeting is hybrid held at the South Australian Museum and online via Teams.
Come along and connect with other science engagement and communication practitioners across South Australia and hear updates from Inspiring SA and National Science Week.
All meetings for 2024 have taken place. It is anticipated that Community of Practice meetings in 2025 will occur in February, May, August and November.
If you would like to attend, please email inspiringsa@sa.gov.au

National Science Week
In South Australia, National Science Week is overseen by a Coordinating Committee members including representatives from:
- Inspiring South Australia
- Flinders University
- SA Science Teachers Association
- University of Adelaide
- University of South Australia
- Independent members
Inspiring SA’s Strategic Direction and oversight is provided by the Inspiring SA Reference Group.
Dr Lisa Bailey – MOD. at UniSA
Other members include representatives from:
- Adelaide Fringe
- Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
- Flinders University
- Office of the Chief Scientist of South Australia
- Questacon
- Science Media Centre
- University of Adelaide
- University of South Australia