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Event Series Event Series: A Sound Healing Journey

Will you venture in the depths of your unconscious mind, as Joshika Akhil introduces the science behind the positive effects of meditation and sound therapy?

At this very unique event, in the star filled dome of the Adelaide Planetarium, you will be guided into a deep meditative state before we release your conscious self and help you explore your deep unconscious, through the power of sound, as healing frequencies fill the room, sending you on a journey beyond the stars.

In this unique session we will guide you through a meditation and allow you to float to a deep place of inner peace, you will leave feeling like you know yourself and your connection to the universe a little better!

Book now to reserve your spot, spaces are limited not 40 seats.

More than a sound bath

You may have heard of a sound bath and meditation, our Sound Healing Journey is so much more. Our venue will project the star constellation on to the dome shaped ceiling of Adelaide Planetarium, instantly transporting you to a humble space deep within, where we forget our daily routines and troubles and simply gaze up at the night sky, as if you are a thousand miles away. Back with nature and her ultimate beauty.

As you lean back and relax, we will guide you on a journey with the soft, healing tones of the Himalayan bowls and a soothing, gentle voice helping you to find a space of ultimate serenity.

As we combine a series of projections on the dome to compliment the healing bowls, your unconscious self will unwind and open itself to the energy in the room.

This experience is like no other, you will leave not only relaxed in the mind and energized in the body and soul, but with tools to use on your own to manage daily stress and anxiety. Most yearn for more!

Who is this for?

Anyone over the age of 10 years old, who is interested in learning about how our energy flows within us and wants to learn how to use that energy for self-healing, empowerment and to release anything that does not serve them anymore.

All levels of experience are welcome, there’s something for all to take away from the session.

What will you experience?

After an introduction to the science behind sound therapy and benefits of meditation, you will experience the massive expanse of the universe, visually, through the star formation projected above and the rooms ambient temperature, with soothing lighting as we introduce the session with an educational talk on your energy systems. Then you will hear the healing tones of Himalayan Singing Bowls, as your body absorbs the sound, you will start to feel the vibrations of the bowls throughout your body. You are then guided into a gentle state of relaxation, where you will enter into a meditative space, sending you on a journey of deep relaxation, exploring the self to discover anything blocking you and how to release it, before energizing your mind and body, leaving you feeling balanced, empowered and re-energised.

You will fall into a deep relaxation as sound and vibrations resonate through the air and touch your body and soul. We have selected our bowls from the depths of Nepal to create a unique experience, instantly transporting you to another time and place, bringing forth memories, emotions and a change in state of mind and mood.

This is a full sensory experience where you learn through feeling energy shift in your body, in a subtle yet profound way, giving rest and restoration to different aspects of your mind; the experience doesn’t stop at the end of the session but continues to work through you for days to come.

How does it work?

When we appeal to all the senses, we teach the brain to accept the experience as a form of reality. The guided journey sends you to a space where you can consciously release whatever is holding you back and start to manifest and realise what you truly want and need. We help you move past the superficial layers of life and dig deeper.

This is a personal experience, there is no need to talk or share. The goal is to discover and uncover what is deep within.

The sounds you hear are tuned to exact frequencies that resonate with our body’s natural state, helping us to re-align, reset and fill our own cup.

***What do should you bring and wear***

Dress comfortably, you will be seated in reclining chairs, please bring a blanket for your comfort and a bottle of water.

To learn more about your host see:


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