
Welcome to Inspiring South Australia.

Gen Green – Empowering Youth beyond Net Zero

Greenacres Library 2 Fosters Road, Greenacres, South Australia, Australia

Join our monthly youth focused gatherings for deep dives into climate change, sustainability, urban development, circular design and more! Get ready for


Zoodle comes to town: wild animal housemates

Mount Barker Town Hall 4-38 Gawler St, Mount Barke, South Australia, Australia

Most of us live with wild animal housemates, sometimes willingly and sometimes not. And very often we donโ€™t even know our wild


Blowing Glass Tradition: From Craft to Cutting-Edge

Noel Lothian Hall, Adelaide Botanic Garden Hackney Rd, Adelaide, SA, Australia

Event description Step into the mesmerising world of glass science with our lecture, "Blowing Tradition: From Craft to Cutting-Edge." Set against the


Making cancer treatment worth it

Ground floor lecture theatre, Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences building - The University of Adelaide North Terrace, Adelaide, SA, Australia

Cancer treatments, like blood stem cell transplants, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and gene therapy are saving more lives than ever. But they are expensive


Teachers Professional Development: Mozzie Monitors in Schools

University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus H1-20, UniSA Mawson Lakes Campus, Mawson Lakes Blvd, Mawson Lakes, South Australia, Australia

Gain the skill and knowledge to guide your class to participate in Mozzie Monitors, a citizen science activity which collect mosquito surveillance


Why Whales are Weird and Wonderful

The Braggs Lecture Theatre

Abstract: Why does a whale spout water? What happened to their legs? Which whales have teeth? When do they feed? Where is

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